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nobutshould英语怎么读(The Controversy of Pronouncing No But Should in English)

nobutshould英语怎么读(The Controversy of Pronouncing No But Should in English)


Have you ever been told to use \”no but should\” in a conversation or writing but you’re unsure of how to pronounce it? The phrase itself may seem simple enough to understand, but its pronunciation has sparked an ongoing debate among English speakers.

The Two Pronunciation Schools

The first school of thought suggests that \”no but should\” should be pronounced with a glottal stop between \”no\” and \”but,\” making it sound like \”noʔ but should.\” This is because the letters \”t\” and \”b\” in \”but\” are pronounced closely together, making it difficult to naturally separate the two sounds. The second school of thought believes that the phrase should be pronounced as \”no butschould,\” blending the \”t\” and \”b\” sounds together.nobutshould英语怎么读(The Controversy of Pronouncing No But Should in English)

The Argument for Using a Glottal Stop

Those who support the use of a glottal stop argue that it creates a clear break between \”no\” and \”but,\” emphasizing the two separate ideas that make up the phrase. They believe that blending the sounds together, as the second school of thought suggests, takes away from the importance of each individual word.

The Argument for Blending the Sounds

On the other hand, supporters of blending the sounds argue that it makes the phrase easier to say and avoids sounding choppy. They argue that since \”no but should\” is often used in casual conversation, it should be pronounced in a way that flows naturally and doesn’t require extra effort to enunciate the glottal stop.

The Compromise Pronunciation

While this debate is ongoing, some English speakers have come up with a compromise pronunciation for \”no but should.\” This pronunciation involves keeping the \”t\” and \”b\” sounds together, but slightly pausing between \”no\” and \”but\” to create a subtle break. This allows the phrase to flow naturally while still emphasizing the importance of each word.nobutshould英语怎么读(The Controversy of Pronouncing No But Should in English)


In the end, the pronunciation of \”no but should\” is a matter of personal preference and regional dialect. Whatever the pronunciation may be, the most important aspect of this phrase is its meaning – acknowledging a certain situation or problem and recognizing the need for change.


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