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strifes(Strifes A Recurring Theme in Human History)

strifes(Strifes A Recurring Theme in Human History)


Throughout human history, there have been constant strifes, whether it be between nations, races, religions, or individuals. Strifes can be defined as conflicts, disputes, and disagreements among groups or individuals. However, the reason behind strifes is more complicated than just disagreements or differences in opinions. This article will take a closer look at the recurring theme of strifes in human history and why they continue to exist today.

Root Causes of Strifes

One of the root causes of strifes is the desire for power and control. People have always sought power and control over others, whether it be through wealth, religion, or political ideology. This often leads to conflicts with other groups who have different ideas and beliefs. Another root cause of strifes is an inherent fear of the unknown. Human beings often react with hostility, anger, or aggression towards things that they do not understand or are different from what they are used to. This fear of the unknown can often escalate into hatred and violent conflicts.strifes(Strifes A Recurring Theme in Human History)

Impact of Strifes on Society

Strifes can have a significant impact on society, both positively and negatively. On one hand, strifes can lead to significant progress and change. The civil rights movement in the United States is a prime example of this. However, on the other hand, strifes can also lead to significant harm and destruction. Wars, genocide, and terrorism are all negative results of strifes. Strifes often lead to the destabilization of societies, resulting in economic collapse, insecurity, and mistrust among individuals.

Current Strifes

Today, there are several ongoing strifes in the world, both big and small. The political tensions between the United States and North Korea, the refugee crisis in Europe, and the ongoing conflict in Syria are some of the most significant strifes of our time. There are also smaller-scale strifes, such as domestic abuse, bullying, and discrimination, which are equally harmful to individuals and society as a whole.

Solution to Strifes

Overcoming strifes requires a change in mindset, behavior, and social structure. Firstly, individuals need to be more accepting and tolerant of others’ beliefs and ideas. Secondly, societies should strive for equality, justice, and fairness for all, regardless of race, gender, religion, or socio-economic status. Lastly, governments should promote peace and diplomacy, rather than war or violence, as a means of resolving conflicts.strifes(Strifes A Recurring Theme in Human History)


In conclusion, strifes have always been a recurring theme in human history. Their impact on society can be both positive and negative, but they often lead to harm and destruction. To overcome strifes, individuals, societies, and governments must work towards a more accepting, tolerant, and peaceful world. Only through these actions can we hope to build a better and more harmonious society.


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